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Viet Model celebrates 11-year-anniversary/ENTHUSIASM AND PASSION OF BEING CREATIVE

On 24/4/2017, the entire Viet Model team presented at Gamuda dual island for the company’s 11-year-anniversary (2006-2017).

On the path of building prestige and reaching top position, Viet Model has also built a team that is always enthusiastic and responsible with their works. To Viet Model, the passion of being creative together with strong connection and sharing among our members is the key helping our brand achieve aesthetic, quality and effectiveness in every product, guaranteeing satisfaction to our customers and partners.

We would like to thank our customers and partners for believing travelling and choosing Viet Model for the last 11 years.

We appreciate the love, connection and sharing of the entire Viet Model team.

Let us look back at the joyful, hectic and memorable moments at our 11-year-anniversary in order to have a better understanding our enthusiasm and the passion of being creative.

#VietModel #11yearanniversary

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