With the pioneering mission of Innovation, the Research and Development (R&D) team at Viet Model has been established with core objectives centered around customers and products. Our R&D team has set a crucial goal to develop innovative technological solutions to maximize meeting customer needs. This is the outcome of an incessant race, ensuring that when customers require assistance, Viet Model is always ready to provide tangible and effective solutions.
The R&D team comprises members with a minimum of 5 years of expertise in the field of model manufacturing. These five members assume key roles, consistently supporting each other in their work, continuously learning, and researching with the aim of delivering efficient products that meet customer expectations.

R&D team meetings often occur with a mix of emotions. At times, we are thrilled by breakthrough ideas, while other times we contemplate challenges in implementing these ideas into models. Tension, pressure, and challenges are inevitable in the process of applying technological ideas to models. Only then can the R&D team achieve real results and effectiveness for their products and customers.
Viet Model proudly introduces our talented R&D team, comprised of five skilled members. We invite our valued customers and partners to admire our artisans through the series of photos below!
From Viet Model